Jones Loflin Jones Loflin

What Is The Mask You Wear That Limits Your Leadership Effectiveness?

Have you ever wondered why some leaders are able to effortlessly inspire and motivate their teams, while others seem to struggle with gaining the respect and cooperation of their colleagues? The answer might lie in the masks they wear - not literal masks, but the metaphorical ones we all put on to protect ourselves in the professional world.

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Jones Loflin Jones Loflin

Unlocking Success: Embracing The Opportunities Of A ‘Shark Encounter’ In Your Career

Okay, so I’m a little, actually, very late to the whole #sharktanknation. Shark Tank first aired in 2009, and I am almost ashamed to say I had never watched an episode until last year. Interestingly enough, after watching just one episode, it got me hooked!

In case you aren’t familiar with this “structured” reality show, here’s how it works, according to the ABC website: The sharks — tough, self-made millionaires and billionaire tycoons — are looking to invest in America’s best businesses and products. The sharks will give people from all walks of life the chance to chase the American dream, and potentially secure business deals that could make them millions. In short, you make a pitch, and if they “bite” (i.e. choose to invest), you have a chance of a lifetime

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Jones Loflin Jones Loflin

Explaining Work Life Balance To A 5 Year Old Is As Easy As Pie

I've been dabbling in AI (or ChatGPT as some of you may call it) for about eight months. I've used it to strengthen blog titles, make content more "punchy" and help me get some creative juices flowing.

By far my favorite thing to do with it, however, is to ask it to explain a complex topic to a five year old. From bias to creative avoidance it has given me a stronger foundation from which to share ideas with others.

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Tiffany Provence Tiffany Provence

3 Time Saver Boundaries To Create More Freedom In Your Day

Today, I found myself outside, indulging in one of my absolute favorite activities — picking blueberries. It’s a time when I can truly escape and become immersed in deep thoughts, self-reflection, and the invigorating sensation of breathing in fresh air. However, I must admit, there are moments when I can get carried away and lose track of time, neglecting other important tasks. As a result, I often find myself grappling with a sense of guilt afterwards.

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Tiffany Provence Tiffany Provence

5 Successful Delegation Practices From Tony, The Fly Fishing Guide

I’ve been thinking a lot about delegation lately. This past weekend I had the opportunity to see effective delegation in action when my family and I went on a fly-fishing trip. “Tony” was an incredible guide who demonstrated to me that whether you are teaching someone how to fly fish or trying to help them understand a complex task in your organization, there are 5 key elements to remember.

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Tiffany Provence Tiffany Provence

Seven Ways To Make Sure Your Free Time Is Used Wisely

Picture this: You’ve had a long day at work and looking forward to a relaxing evening. You start streaming an episode of your favorite series. Two hours later you’re still there, and now you’re frustrated that you didn’t use that time more effectively. It’s not that you wanted to do work tasks or take care of personal stuff... you just wanted more out of that precious time that would renew your body, mind, and soul.

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Jones Loflin Jones Loflin

The Power Of Letting Go: Why It’s Time To Forget Your Goals

I love it when I hear or read something that challenges my current perspective. A few weeks ago I was truly shaken when James Clear, in his powerful book, Atomic Habits, wrote:

"You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems."

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Jones Loflin Jones Loflin

Four Ways To Prune The Overload Out Of Your Schedule Today

How many times in the past week have you said, “I only have ___________ minutes right now?”

Judging from my conversations with coaching clients and program participants, we are all saying it a lot more often. Not that it's a bad thing to be cognizant of how much time you have available. It's just that saying the phrase usually leads to choosing an easy-to-complete task (like checking email, social media, or some mindless activity) that really doesn't move your work or life forward in the most meaningful way.

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