Jones Loflin Jones Loflin

Does Delegating Feel Like You Are Giving In To The Dark Side?

I will never forget sitting in a movie theatre in 1977 watching Star Wars Episode IV-A New Hope. As a middle schooler looking for adventure, the Star Wars saga was an adventure of a lifetime.The scenes of Darth Vader inviting Luke Skywalker to come to the “dark side” were especially troubling to me because there were so many moments where I believed Luke might actually give up and join his father.

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Tiffany Provence Tiffany Provence

5 Successful Delegation Practices From Tony, The Fly Fishing Guide

I’ve been thinking a lot about delegation lately. This past weekend I had the opportunity to see effective delegation in action when my family and I went on a fly-fishing trip. “Tony” was an incredible guide who demonstrated to me that whether you are teaching someone how to fly fish or trying to help them understand a complex task in your organization, there are 5 key elements to remember.

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