Tiffany Provence Tiffany Provence

How To Reignite The Passion Of Your Disengaged Team Member

If you're a plant parent, you know the heartbreak of seeing your once-thriving plant just… kind of sitting there. You remember the early days, when it was shiny and the growth was steady, but now it seems like it's just taking up space. This describes my Fiddle Leaf Fig. After a couple of months, it just stopped thriving. And then the real decline started - it started losing its leaves, and I couldn't help but think it was disengaged or unmotivated to grow.

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Jones Loflin Jones Loflin

Never Eclipse Your Chance To Connect With Your Team

I had a most refreshing moment with a team of people a couple of weeks ago. We were discussing the upcoming solar eclipse, and John, (not actual name), immediately brightened and started sharing way more than I expected about the history of such eclipses. He even said he would be traveling to South Carolina to stand on the very spot where a famous (to him) astronomer stood during an eclipse in 1903. The rest of his team joked with him about his “nerdiness,” but you could tell...

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